Friday, February 2, 2007

Global Warming

A Little Bit Of Politics:

Today's News Clip:

PARIS - Scientists from 113 countries issued a landmark report Friday saying they have little doubt global warming is caused by man, and predicting that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level will "continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution. (Sounds kinda like a contradiction to me.)

Does it strike you as just a little bit arrogant on mankind's part to think that in this great universe that was created by an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent Being, that little ol' man could do anything that would affect global warming?

It strikes me that way. It seems to me that is the ultimate in egotism. We should take care of our environment, for health and economic concerns, but not because the earth is changing to the degree that we are in danger. If God chooses to end things that way it is His business and then nothing we can do would lessen it anyway.

Listen to their arguments when they are discussing it. They have an agenda and are very political ....and as all of their senseless projects are, it is all about money and also about power and being able to tell us what we can and can not do and when we can do it. They take the unusual hot spells and the dry spells (forgetting that we have not been keeping records for enough decades or centuries to have an overall global pattern) and then use that to push for their drastic agendas.

Oh yes, I know they also have their scientific data but they set a false premise to begin with and then base their facts on that and even facts, based on a false premise is no good.

It was brought to my attention the other day by someone very dear to me that if they can keep pushing their agenda, that someday we may be forced to give up our individual modes of transportation and all have to go to public transit travel modes, all in the name of Global Warming.

Then they can tell you when you can go and where. There is a group of them who want more power and thus the global warming scare tactic. Yes, it is all about money and power in the hands of a few. Think about it!

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